Should You Reconnect With An Absent Bio Parent?
Here’s a piece about absent bio parents that spoke to me.
This past year I’ve been in contact with some of my birth father’s family members. Yes, it is a shock that they’re reaching out to me, but it is also quite interesting, the idea of learning about the other half of my DNA. Then again, is that a good or welcome idea?
How To Refurbish a $17 Snare Drum from Craigslist
A few weeks ago I got a call for a gig. Now, I have to admit a secret. All the years I’ve been an NYC-based drummer I have NEVER owned a drum kit… I DO own hardware and some cymbals. To play this gig, I need a very basic setup. I needed a snare [drum], hi-hat cymbals, and a bass drum. So far I’m one for three, had the hi-hat already. With a tight budget to work with, less than $50, it was off to Craigslist to find a suitable snare drum.
Read More»How To Not Respond When A Friend Commits Suicide
Whenever I’m asked why I enjoy being a musician, it is not for the reasons some people think. It would be nice to being recognized for what I’ve done. I don’t do what I do for global fame & recognition either. I also, for damn sure, am not doing it to be an attention whore either. So why Do I do it? I do it because I want to connect and fit in with a community.
Are You A Content Creator Who Is Scared To Death?
I have ONE mission as a content creator & drummer when on stage; to change the moment you’re standing in…but I’m scared to death.
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